Life, Sharing Time, The Wanderer

Good things!

Hello earthly people!! How are you doing?! Apparently I got stuck in a temporal glitch and one week became two while I was not looking. Sorry for that, but you know how hard it is to deal with time and space problems. *sighs*

But here I am! And actually, this past week has been full of good things!

1. I had lots of *FRIENDSHIP TIME* and it was revigorating. It’s so good to talk and dream and just do silly things together. I worked with one of them, started learning japanese again with others, spent a day with some of them talking about life and the future and then I went to a graduation PARTY (thankfully this normally only happens once a year because whew too many humans). The important thing is that I danced a lot (even if the music was horrible) and ate a lot of good things too.

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2. TANTANTAN! I received an email saying I was selected to participate in that program I spoke of last time!! I’m so happy I tried and ended up getting in!
I still don’t know what to expect but it is good to have something to expect. And it will help keep my mind occupied too. Doing things keep me from thinking too much. Also, they created a group for us to start talking with each other and it’s full of AWESOME people! I’m feeling such a good energy from this! TvT

3. I have been writing/planning a lot too and I love when I discover new things about a story or find a solution for a plot problem that was giving me a hard time! (It is good to be excited about writing again. It breaks me when I realize I can’t write because I’m in a fight with my own mind). I also made myself a promise that I will finish the 1st draft of this story by the end of the year. I know I need to give time to the ideas so they can develop but I think I already spent too long thinking and plotting and too little actually writing. I just really want to get to the end of it so HERE I GO!

4. I have been living with a back pain for two years now(Little Bia though it would be a good idea to test her limits on the treadmill and proceeded to fuck her muscles) and after A LOT of physiotherapy sessions the pain is finally going away!!! This makes me so happy because I hate when I can’t move my body properly! And I know how important exercise is to keep depression away, so I’m happy to know I will soon be able to get back on tracks! (I really want to start running!)

5. And this one was more of a self-indulgent gift but I finally bought Ursula Le Guin’s The Dispossessed! Honestly, I have been in love with her writing since I finished reading The Left Hand of Darkness two years ago. Her words has such a depth and a way of making you think while still being entertaining! It took me a while to start reading another thing from her but I think it will be another good adventure!! yay

And I think this is it! This is what I have been up to. It’s not much, and I feel like I’m not using my time very wisely, but I’m trying and doing whatever I can! (I actually suspect my bed is an otherwordly creature that sucks my vital energy and stops me from doing anything but I already contacted the Special Management Forces of Intrusive Supernatural Activity and I hope they can deal with this…)

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Overall I’m happy about these past days and I hope things can get better! But what have you been up to? Anything new happening?! Any news? Hope to hear from you! I really miss reading things around here and I will try to be around more!

Hope you are having a good week!


8 thoughts on “Good things!”

  1. So glad to hear so many good things are happening to you! I love happy positive posts like this, although I’m not one to write many haha 🙂 congratulations for getting into that programme!! Be very proud of yourself x

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  2. What an uplifting post! As to the writing, the way I see it is plotting in your head is all part and parcel of it – so you’ve already done a bunch. I wouldn’t worry too much about not letting ideas fully develop before beginning writing, I reckon the story will show you what it needs and where to go once you head off on your way with it. I’ve packed you some snacks so off you trot, don’t worry if you’re not back by the end of the year, just enjoy the adventure! P.S could use those details for SMFISA. Hmm, my phone autocorrected that to IN USA… coincidence? I think not!

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    1. Yes! I realized that if I’m always waiting to be ready, then I’m going nowhere, so I’m trying very hard to ignore everything that keeps me from writing. I reckon I stress too much over something that should be fun! And thank you for the snacks! I hope there’s some hot tea too to accompany me on this adventure!

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